Taylor Yoonji Kang
Pronouns: she / her / hers
Taylor Yoonji Kang is a PhD student in the combined program in Comparative Literature and Early Modern Studies. Her research at Yale centers on early modern Europe, particularly as regards aesthetics, intellectual history, history of science, painting, and their various interrelations; but she also maintains active interests in Italian modernism, the neo-avant-garde, and conceptual and post-conceptual art. She is a Franke Fellow and will also be participating in the Folger Institute Scholarly Program on “World, Globe, Planet: The Scales of Relation in Early Modernity” for the 2022-23 academic year.
Working Languages
English, Chinese, German, Japanese (in progress)
Education History
A.B. in Comparative Literature, Princeton University, summa cum laude
Translation in Heretical Aesthetics: Pasolini on Painting, edited by Alessandro Giammei and Ara Merjian (New York: Verso Books 2023).
“La poetica dell’obsolescenza di Giulia Niccolai,” Giulia Niccolai, eds. Marco Belpoliti, Alessandro Giammei, and Nunzia Palmieri (Rome: Quodlibet 2022).
“Metaphoric Botanies: Conjectures on the Renaissance fœtus,” Revue de Synthèse: “Frontières du vivant. Troubles épistémologiques et linguistiques dans l’Europe de la première Modernité” (Special Issue, ed. Dominique Brancher) 143, no. 7 (2022): 179-204.
“Staging (Or Not Staging) Ovid for Modern(ist) Self-Fashioning,” with Alessandro Giammei, MLN 135, no. 1 (2020): 203-30.