Sebastián Andrés Grandas
Sebastián Andrés (he/him) is investigating translingual literature, creative self-translation, and ‘cannibalistic’ literary-philosophical styles. His recent research examines Latiné & Latin American artists who write ‘across’ and ‘in-between’ multiple languages, complicating assumptions behind the unified subject and transparent knowledge of self. He is especially interested in issues of memory, mourning, and melancholia –– and how art might engage the lost voices and untold stories that fill, can never fill, and cannot cease to fill our present lives. Sebastián formerly worked in public education, teaching literature and history in Brownsville, Brooklyn. As of late, he has been thinking about (anti-)translation, intersemiotic ghosts, literature-as-ritual, and self-eclipse.
Research Interests
Latiné & Latin American Literature; Theory of Translation; Translingualism; Testimonio; Transcriação; Philosophy of Mind; Psychoanalysis; Marxist Literary Theory; Conceptual Poetry; Latino Avant-Garde; Third World & Global South
Education History
M.A.R., Yale University Divinity School (Religion & the Arts)
M.A., Middlebury Bread Loaf School of English (English & American Literature)
B.A., Middlebury College, summa cum laude (Literary Studies & Religion)
Working Languages
English, Spanish, Portuguese, Bubi, Attic Greek, Russian
Grandas, S.A. (2024). Self-Translation, (Anti-)Translation: Roque Raquel Salas Rivera’s Poem 45. CEA Critic 86(3), 210-215.