Princeton University has acquired Professor Roberto González Echevarría’s collection of correspondence with Spanish, Latin American, and French writers of note. It will be in Princeton University’s Firestone Library under his name. The collection is titled: Roberto González Echevarría Collection on Severo Sarduy and Other Latin American Writers.
Read more about the collection.
“Roberto González Echevarría is a Cuban-born critic and Sterling Professor of Hispanic and Comparative Literature at Yale University. This collection contains his correspondence with Severo Sarduy and other writers and critics including among them Alejo Carpentier, Miguel Barnet, Antonio Benítez Rojo, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Nancy Morejón, Octavio Paz, Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá, Luis Rafael Sánchez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Calvin Trilin, J. Wright, Carlos Fuentes, Julio Cortázar, Rosario Ferré, and José Donoso. Also in the collection are typescripts, audio recordings, photographs, and printed materials particularly relating to González Echevarría’s work on Sarduy.”-Abstract by Princeton University