Ayten Tartici has been awarded the 2020 John Addison Porter Prize, one of the few prizes awarded by Yale university-wide, for her dissertation submitted in fall 2019 under the title Adagios of Form. Ayten Tartici won this highly prestigious prize for a work which highlights figures of slowness in modernist prose – instead of speed – as the distinctive poetic and political quality of the works she studies. Marcel Proust and Italo Svevo, William Faulkner and F. Scott Fitzgerald, Henry James and Joseph Conrad, Saul Bellow and Karel Čapek figure among the authors to whom she devotes subtle and original readings. As the prize committee writes, Adagios of Form is “a true work of comparative literature; an illuminating sweep through western modernity, remarkably treating music and film, food and drink, with fiction in multiple languages; a revel in and revelation of slowness as a lens to aesthetics, economics, and the way we live now.” For more on the Addison Porter Prize see https://secretary.yale.edu/services-resources/lectureships-fellowships-prizes/porter-and-field.