Bingham Hall Library Reserved: Skenographia Workshop

Event time: 
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm
Bingham Hall Library, 8th Floor See map
Event description: 

Skenographia - from skēnē and graphō meaning “scenic compostion” - originally referred to the practice of painting environments on stage. What sets a scene apart from a mere place or setting? Exploring design in a scenic lens involves investigating how reality is both enacted and represented, with a particluar focus on the staging of everyday life. The conference asks: How are the production and movement of objects intentionally arranged to present the totality of places, institutions, and brands? Acorss histories, in what ways does this design facilitate the transition from indexes of self - from the humoral to the neurological, from character to personality? **Please register with this link.**